Act of Congress Page 3
Of course, I’m going to travel with them; you don’t set up a pitch this important and then leave the field while another player throws the ball. If I can get Jake out of this stuffy, oppressive environment and back among real people, the real life, hard-working people he got into politics to help – then I have no doubt he would be a force to be reckoned with.
Am I thrilled with the idea of two weeks on the road, stuck in a coach with a hungry-for-news press corps? Not particularly. However I am thrilled about the potential positive bearing it will have on the Congressman’s image if it works.
“I said, I’ll do it on the condition that you travel with us,” Jake repeats, but he’s holding back a smile, like he knows I purposely made him echo himself. Smart man. It’s a verbal repetition tactic I use when I need a client to reaffirm in their mind that an idea they’re possibly only lukewarm about actually has merit.
“Done,” I say as I stand up, smoothing down the front of my shirt, “I’ll work out the scheduled stops and a high-level itinerary over the next few hours. Once I have a rough outline, I’ll use it to recruit a press gaggle to travel with us. Naturally, some reporters we will pick up locally along the way.”
“Press? Really? Will news media outlets even be willing to send reporting staff on the road with us for two weeks?” Having stood up to ask his question, I need to fight my instincts to lean closer to Jake, my body of it’s own mind to remove the distance between us.
“Honestly…at the start of the junket most will likely send journalism students or interns, but that works for us. They’ll be hungry to learn, eager to impress and will see this as their big chance. Once we get some momentum going, raise the level of interest, the interns will most likely be sent home, and a more seasoned journo will pick up the story. We’ll that’s the idea anyway.”
“Jake, I think it sounds exactly like the kind of thing we need,” Ella says from her position on the sofa.
Jake? We? Interesting. Either he’s informal with his staff, which is highly probable given his age, or it’s a familiarity that could mean something else. Better make a mental note to look further into that later.
Eyes locked together, neither Jake nor I moving, I wonder which of the two of us will be the one to speak.
“Ella, please schedule a breakfast meeting for us at seven tomorrow and we can go over the rest of the plan then. Ms. Argent, do you need anything from my office in the meantime?”
“It’s Cassie, and no, thank you. Although, if you have a small space free in the outer-office? I’d like to start immediately rather than lose time by heading back to my hotel.”
“I’ll set you up outside in the––”
“You can work on the conference table in here––”
Both Ella and the Congressman speak at the same time, cutting the other off. Sharing a look I can’t interpret, as I don’t know them well enough yet, the Congressman continues, “As I was saying, Ms. Argent, you can work on the conference table here in my office. I’ve got meetings all over the Capitol Building for the rest of the afternoon, so it’ll be vacant.”
“Again, it’s Cassie. Are you sure? I don’t want to put anyone out.”
Ella goes to speak, but again the Congressman gets there first.
“And no one is, put out I mean.”
“Well, okay. Thank you,” I say, smiling brightly and wondering what the hell I’ve gotten myself into.
About thirty minutes later the Congressman left his office, and for me it was twenty-five minutes too long. I should have gone back to the hotel. I’d found it hard to stop sneaking glances at him as he prepared for his afternoon meetings. A few times our gazes had connected and though we each knew that we were watching the other, we’d politely looked away and nothing was said. Sizing one another up is par for the course at the beginning of any working relationship, but wondering what the skin on his neck smells like after sex was not. I’d had to get a mental grip of myself to stay focused on my task. Getting an actual grip on myself would happen tonight at my hotel.
If I had to finger myself to sleep every night for the next two weeks to burn off the sexual tension from being around Jake, then so be it. I only wish I had my Lelo, INA Wave with me.
Flying out for this meeting not knowing what to expect, I’d packed only my short-trip essentials, assuming I’d fly home again at the weekend if I needed to be in D.C. longer. As it is, I’ll have to shop for a few things to get me through the next two weeks.
Standing up I stretch out my body, feeling the muscles pull after sitting down for too long. I’ve been working for a few hours now, and the outline for the trip is starting to come together. Walking into the outer-office where the assistants are, I see most are busy, but one looks up from her desk offering me a smile.
“Can I help you with anything Ms. Argent?”
“Cassie, and no thank you. I just needed to move for a little bit.”
“Sure. If you’re looking for Ella, she should be back any minute…ah, here she is now.”
I look up and see Ella walking through the doors to the congressman’s office suite.
“Did you need something Cassie?” she asks.
“I didn’t actually, but now that you’re here, if you have a few minutes, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions about Congressman Reid?”
“Of course. Shall we?” She motions towards what must be her desk, “What would you like to know?”
As we both sit, Ella behind her desk and me on the chair at the side, I figure now’s the time to test a few theories.
“I get the feeling you’ve worked with Congressman Reid a long time,” she’s nodding as I talk, so I continue. “Tell me what you think happened between him taking office and now. I mean, for you to feel the need to call in someone like me?”
Question asked, I’m watching for her reactions more intently than I am listening to her words. She blushes, and looks away. I suspected as much.
“Ella, I know you were the one who called me in. Did the Congressman even know I was coming?”
At the beginning of our meeting this morning, before Jake had arrived, there were a few little things she said that tipped me off, but I wanted to wait until I had her alone to ask what her motivations were. There’s no doubt that she made the right call, the Congressman definitely needed someone like me, but I prefer to work with clients who are fully on board before I get here. She doesn’t look away this time, but holds my eye contact. Good to know, she’s no shrinking violet.
“I had spoken to him about it a few times, but he continued to park the idea and was always non-committal. The longer time went on, he lost more of his fire, of his passion for what he set out to do here and I knew something needed to happen. He’s a really good guy Cassie, hardworking, compassionate, ethical, and he genuinely came to congress wanting to make a difference. It’s just when he got here, it was like…with him being around everyone else; the other congressional leaders…he couldn’t get any traction, so he stopped fighting. He started to conform. He’s got what it takes, he’s simply lost his way.” Her voice has risen slightly and she’s become more animated as she’s been talking.
“So, you thought someone like me would help him find his way again?”
“Yes, exactly. It’s my job. I care about Jake and I know he’d never forgive himself if how things are now is as good as it gets. I don’t want him to look back on his time here and feel like he’d squandered his opportunity.”
And there it is again, that blurred line feeling I got from her earlier. It’s still not clear to me if she’s managing him, controlling him, or is in love with him. At this point however, I’m beginning to suspect it’s a little of everything.
* * *
I’m on the phone locking down the buses for the trip, walking up and down the corridor in front of the Congressman’s office. There’s only so much sitting a girl can do before her ass goes numb, and I find I think better on my feet. Particularly if there’s a problem I can’t solve or if something
is bothering me, I’ll get up and take a walk. If I can, I’ll go for a run or head to the gym. Being active stops me dwelling on shit and helps me clear my thoughts.
Dealing with a national coach company that has an existing relationship with ESM however, has meant that arranging our transport has gone much smoother than it otherwise might have.
“Brilliant! Would you please hold both coaches for me until nine am tomorrow? The Congressman needs to give final sign off before I confirm. Great. Thank you so much.”
Feeling like I’ve achieved the last thing on my list for today, I spin on the toes of a stiletto-clad foot to head back towards the office to collect my things. Head down, I’m thinking about what’s on tomorrow’s list of tasks, remembering that at some point I’ll need to hit up a clothing store. What I wasn’t expecting to hit was a wall.
Wait, no. Not a wall.
My brain finally registers that while walls can be tall and hard, they’re never deliciously woodsy smelling or make an ‘oomph’ noise when you walk into them.
Oh please, no. Don’t tell me I’ve…
Looking up into the captivating eyes of Jake Reid, I panic, muttering my apologies while attempting to push away from him. My uncooperative limbs however refuse to participate in a smooth retreat, and I know I’m about to land on my ass at Jake’s feet. Suddenly, a strong arm snakes around my back and I huff at the unexpected change in my direction, Jake quickly preventing my fall. With both of his arms holding me secure, he’s pulling me tight against his body.
“Ms. Argent, are you alright?” Jake asks, panting a little, like he’s still trying to get breath back into his lungs after I’d knocked it out.
Looking up into his handsome face, neither of us moves, our bodies together, our gazes fixed. My hands have settled against his chest, while he has one warm hand splayed open across my lower back, the other firmly holding my hip.
“Cassie,” I rasp, barely finding my words. “I am. Thank you Congressman.”
“Jake,” he replies, his voice low and soft, almost a whisper and I wonder if he can feel my heart thumping erratically against his chest. “And you’re welcome.”
Hearing a gasp from the doorway to our left, we spring apart like a pair of teenagers caught making out in the driveway after curfew.
“What’s going on?” Ella asks sharply, her brows furrowed over her eyes as they dart between Jake and I, no doubt taking everything in.
“Nothing!” Jake barks at the same time I yell “Not a damn thing!”
I cannot get out of this office fast enough.
Chapter 4
The next morning, Ella and I are in the hotel restaurant waiting for Cassie. She’s not late, but we’re early. We’ve just been seated when I see her come walking in, giving the girl at the hostess station a smile and her lips move as she points toward us. She’s in another suit this morning, this time it’s a silky white top tucked into her skirt. Heels clap on the wood floor as she navigates around booths and tables, smiling at other patrons as she passes by. Her smile has me inhaling deeply; it hits me hard and is attractive as fuck. Her hair is down and bounces with her steps, and then, she looks at me. Our eyes connecting like they did numerous times yesterday. I’d liked catching her looking at me. Knowing she was as interested in studying me as I was with doing the same to her.
“Morning,” she says with a smile, sliding into the booth opposite us, setting the black and silver day planner she had pressed against her chest onto the table. I literally swallow a groan. Her shirt is open until the beginning of her cleavage, and she’s wearing some sort of thin bra or undershirt thing, like a tank top I guess. It’s delicate and I can just make it out through the material of her blouse, along with two small pebbles tipping each breast. Jesus Christ.
Her head’s down as she opens her folder and her manicured nails flip through the papers as Ella talks. For whatever reason, I imagine her painted nails slipping through her wet folds. I wonder if she gets wet easily, or if she’s a challenge. She doesn’t seem frigid and that triggers me imagining the small red - no, black, silky G-string she’s probably wearing. Maybe she isn’t wearing any panties.
“Right, Jake?” Ella says with a small nudge of my shoulder.
“What?” I ask, looking quickly between the two women.
“I get it, maybe work talk after coffee?” Cassie suggests.
As if on cue, the waitress comes over and we order coffee. Ella grabs a menu, but Cassie and I don’t. I wonder if she doesn’t eat breakfast, but I always eat the same thing when I go out. Denver omelet.
“You ready to order?”
“Go ahead.” I nod toward Cassie.
“I’ll have a Denver omelet, hash browns and white toast.”
“And for you?”
“Same.” I say while smiling at Cassie.
Cassie gives me a look before smiling and then looks at Ella, who spews out a long-winded complicated order with no this or that, and this cooked this way, and that with this on it. I really don’t enjoy eating with her. If I go to a restaurant and they mess up my order, I eat it, I don’t complain or make a big deal. Ella on the other hand, I can’t even. Cassie runs her fingers lazy along a thin gold necklace with a little peace sign, also in gold resting just between where her collarbones meet. I imagine her touching me with light touches like that. Fuck.
“So, I think I got some good events scheduled for you. A fishing competition, a charity baseball game––”
Ella scoffs and I look over at her with surprise.
“Got a pie eating contest in there too? Small potatoes don’t you think?”
“Nothing’s too small, a congressman is for the people. You do what the people do, when in Rome. Besides, it’s up to Jake to decide if he wants to participate or not. I’ve booked things with a possible appearance. It’s not mandatory he attends. I’ve explained to the groups that we’re traveling by bus; there are lots of elements that can put us behind or ahead of events. I will have Jake look at the events as we approach the dates and we can inform the groups of his decision.”
Cassie called me Jake. Her saying my name sounds sensual. Like her voice drops a little lower every time she says it. I imagine her saying my name, low and soft in my ear as I lay on top of her, pushing inside her. Ella nudges me again.
She gives me an aggravated sigh and a closing of her eyes in frustration at me. “It’s up to you,” she says.
I nod, “Everything sounds great. I’m willing to do whatever you sign me up for. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a kissing booth, think you could get me in one of those?” I ask Cassie, giving her a playful smile.
Her eyes dart to my lips, slowly blinking. I wonder if she’s recalling our closeness from yesterday. How we fit together. How my hands held her and if she knew I was seconds away from sliding my hand down to cup her ass. I was hard the rest of the afternoon and as soon as I got to my apartment, I went into the shower and jerked off like a fucking addict, an addict for this woman I knew nothing about, only that she was going to be in my space for weeks. I came in seconds, thinking about her hot voice, her glossy lips, and her fucking body. Shit, I’m getting hard now, and thank fuck for waitresses and coffee.
I manage to control the tightness in the crotch of my pants, happy that Ella and Cassie talk the details for the trip, only looking for me to agree or disagree occasionally, but it leaves my brain room to drift into ideas of being on a bus with Cassie for two weeks. I’ve known this woman for less than twenty-four hours and already I was so attracted to her, I knew I’d have to be mindful and aware of her and how I acted. She’s here to do a job, nothing more. We talk a little more during breakfast and I enjoy that she puts ketchup on her hash browns, like me. That she slathers her toast in butter and jelly, also like me. Food soul mates that we were.
“I can’t wait to get my hands on some good food while we’re on our trip,” I state.
“You a foodie too?” Cassie asks, drinking
from her coffee cup.
“Me too, my favorite is barbeque, anything in barbeque sauce and I’m a goner.”
My brain imagines my dick covered in barbeque sauce.
“Jake loves barbeque too, remember when we went to that place in Texas?” Ella says.
I see Cassie’s eyes jet away from mine and toward Ella, and I realize I’m annoyed with the interruption.
“Yeah…have you had Texas barbeque?” I ask Cassie.
“Nope,” she begins and we talk about food for the rest of the meeting.
When Ella and I get into the town-car outside the hotel, Cassie heads back to her room to finish working on the trip details. I have the urge to ask for her room number, but catch myself and we shake hands before parting, our eyes connecting and her touch instantly has my heart accelerating.
“That’s cute…you guys have so much in common,” Ella comments, saying the last part with a sarcastic, overly valley-girl tone of voice.
“What? We weren’t supposed to talk about anything but work?” I ask, closing the door and settling into my seat, pulling my cellphone out.
“Yes, she’s here for work––”
“I’ll remember that when you ask me about my family, or my drunk neighbor with the trumpet, because last time I checked, you’re here for work too.”
I don’t know where that came from. I get what she’s saying, but she doesn’t need to remind me. Maybe she can see I’m smitten with Cassie, and she doesn’t want me to lose focus.
“I’m just not going to be stuck on a bus with you two, while you make goo-goo eyes at each other.”
“We’ll have more than one bus, you don’t have to be stuck with us at all.”
Her head snaps in my direction, “You’d have her on the congressional bus over me?” she asks, her voice annoyed.
“Ella,” I state, looking at her. “I don’t care who’s on the bus, just don’t expect me to tell her to go to another bus for you…not going to happen.”
I turn and look out the window, the thick DC traffic is at a standstill as people walk along the sidewalks and enjoy a little fresh air before work.