Act of Congress Page 5
“Really? You too?” she states and shakes her head.
I look at her with a smile, the smile I always give her when I know I’ve aggravated her.
“I thought she was bad, but you two are some sort of anti-establishment twins.” She says, walking off.
I open my mouth to ask her what she means, assuming it’s about Cassie and her jeans but I don’t see her anywhere. Just then the bus doors open and I turn to see black Chuck Taylor’s coming down the steps, then tight ripped at the knee jeans, before Lady Gaga’s face stretched across a pair of the most perfectly created handful of tits I’ve laid eyes on and know it’s Cassie. Sure enough, when I look up at her, her smile is wide and her eyes take me in.
“Has Ella seen you yet?” she asks, reaching the bottom step, leaving her inches taller than me and the urge to kiss her is overwhelming.
“Yeah, just now,” I smile.
Cassie’s smile is devilish and again, I want to kiss her lips, smell her skin, touch her.
“Foo Fighters, huh? You like eating pussy?”
As soon as she says it, my mouth drops open as my eyes widen and I laugh as she makes a face of mortification.
“Sorry,” she cringes before laughing, her voice lowering as her cheeks take on a blush, the blush I imagine happening as I finger her.
“That song of theirs, All My Life, is about oral sex on a woman, or at least,” she pauses and swallows thickly. “At least that’s the rumor.”
I shake my head slightly, and she steps off the last step, forcing her closer and so close that I get a whiff of her perfume or shampoo. I lean in, putting my face beside hers. “Maybe on this trip you’ll find out. Do you like a man’s mouth on you? Do you like it soft and gentle, or hard and rough?” I whisper. “I like to give it all ways.”
I hear her swallow, her breath catch, feel her chest rising and graze against mine as she inhales deeply.
“I think I’ll like it anyway you do it,” she states.
“Okay, let’s get moving!” Ella shouts and I move past Cassie and onto the bus, leaving my luggage beside the door to be stored under the vehicle.
Fuck! Did I just cross the line?
I just crossed the line.
I go into the bathroom, happy the bus is empty so no one can see my erection leading the way before me. I gather myself in the small as fuck space, but take in the craftsmanship and woodwork. Okay, this is getting my brain off Cassie and I will my cock to chill. When I reemerge from the bathroom, I notice the interior of the bus is all warm, shiny wood, with dim canned lighting above. This is like a luxury bus and I’m shocked we fit it into the budget.
“Nice, huh?” Ella asks, coming toward me in the hallway.
“Hell yes, reminds me of my parents house with the wood.” I comment.
“About that, do I get to meet your parents when we get to Montana?”
I don’t look at her as she asks this; rather my eyes are still admiring the bus. “Maybe, they won’t come to anything political so I’ll have to see if they’re cool with visitors.”
I know that might sound weird, but my parents are very private and run a business from their home. Having a bunch of people there will mess with getting work done, since they work seven days a week. I know that when I get there, I’ll be put to work, it won’t be a visit with watching football and throwing back the beers with my dad. We don’t live like that. Ella says nothing further, but I see Cassie walking down the hallway and my eyes instantly find hers.
“This is awesome,” I tell her.
“Right? I’ve worked with this company before, we got ‘em for free.”
I pull an impressed face and nod. “Nice.”
“Don’t look so surprised, I have lots of tricks up my sleeve,” Cassie says and the flair of attraction ignites between us. I’d like to know what other tricks she can do.
“I bet you do,” I state, my jaw flexing.
“Okay,” Ella says, moving between us and looking up at me. “Should we go over the itinerary for the next few days?”
“No, I just want to hang out for a little bit, we can do all that later.”
I can tell Ella doesn’t like my answer, but she works for me, not the other way around. The bus begins to move and I see it’s not just the three of us; my two other assistants and two interns that work for them are on this bus. I’m comfortable with them all and feel at ease. I was worried with intern reports and third parties, that traveling was going to feel restricted and formal. I love road trips and plan to enjoy these two weeks on the bus.
Sitting down in the front lounge, which consists of a long leather couch on one side, while a massive flat screen is set into the wall and opposite the couch. Through the lounge area there’s both a sitting area and a small kitchen. Past that is a hallway that has a stack of three twin sized bunks on either side, then the bathroom and then a master bedroom at the very back with a king-sized bed. Ella sits beside me; phone in hand, while Cassie grabs a bottle of water from the fridge before sitting down on the other side of me. The interns and assistants sit in the booth, opening laptops and talking amongst themselves. I grab the remote for the T.V. and begin flipping through the channels. I don’t get much time to watch television, but I like certain things. Ella groans as soon as I stop flipping, setting the remote down.
“Ancient Aliens?” Cassie comments.
I look over at her, assuming she’s going to have the same reaction Ella did. But there’s a twinkle in her eyes, a small smile on her bow shaped upper lip.
“That okay?” I question.
“Mmhmm, I love aliens,” she tells me with a nod of her head.
“Of course you do.” Ella mumbles beside me.
“I saw a UFO one time,” I say.
“Shut up! Where?” Cassie says, putting her small hand on my bare forearm.
“My parents place…it was fucking awesome, I was young but I remember it so vividly.”
“What did it look like?”
Cassie and I talk about my experience and how she’s convinced her third-grade teacher was an alien.
“Aren’t you going to watch the show?” Ella huffs loudly.
Cassie and I ignore her. We fall into this never-ending conversation. Aliens turned into movies, then books, and when we stop for late lunch/early dinner we naturally begin talking food.
We’ve stopped at some Mexican fusion restaurant and the staff recognizes me right away. Cassie’s right there and introducing me to the owner, getting us back into the kitchen to see how they make their creations. The kitchen’s small, so other than the two of us and an intern taking photos to post online, everyone else sits at the tables. I could tell Ella was pissed she wasn’t coming back, but whatever. The owner tells me and Cassie to pick what we want, but we are both stuck on two different dishes, so decide to get both and share. We get in there and help make the dishes, watching the chefs and copying them. Cassie looks fuck-hot in a white apron and I make a mental note to send her one. It’s non-stop laughs and fun, the banter between us never-ending and I can’t remember a time I’ve had more fun.
By the time we get our food made and join the rest of the group at the section of tables, they’ve received their food and are eating. Cassie and I sit at a table beside them but alone in a way and dig into what we made. She moans and licks her lips as she eats, the shit is pretty fucking good, but witnessing her eat is the best part of it all. I order us some Mexican beers and as the sun sets, I know we probably aren’t leaving any time soon. We don’t have anything booked until tomorrow afternoon and won’t be able to check into our hotel until later tonight, which we’re only a few miles from. Patrons keep coming to the table and taking selfies or Cassie snaps a pic for them with me. The drinks and food are flowing, and Cassie and I are tucked away at our table. I don’t care if I’m being anti-social, I see these people every day. Cassie is what’s interesting me and entertaining me.
“You can what now?” I repeat after sipping my beer.
/> “I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue,” she laughs.
We’re both a little buzzed, she’s gigglier and her chest is flushed. I feel good and the warmth of the beer is flowing through me. I want to touch her and resist several times. I put my hand up to call over the waitress. I order some cherries and watch as Cassie gives me a look, her eyes sensual as she bites her lower lip and her fingers run up and down the neck of her beer bottle.
“If I show you this, what are you gonna do for me?” she asks.
Fuck, be smart Jake.
“What do you want me to do for you?” I quip.
She looks up and makes a face as if she’s thinking. My hand finds her knee under the table and my fingers run along her jeans. Her eyes meet mine, her chest rising and if the music wasn’t loud, I’d swear she whimpered. The waitress sets down a bowl of red, ripe cherries and I reach out to grab two, dangling one in front of her. She gives me a smile and opens her mouth, I pull it back before she can get it and we play for a moment, she even flicks her tongue out and runs it along the bottom of the fruit before I fumble and she’s able the get the cherry. She chews it and then nips the stem from my fingers and it disappears into her mouth. I watch her jaw working, and I eat my cherry. Moments later the end of the stem peaks from between her lips and she’s pulling it out with her fingers, revealing the small knot in the middle.
“Wow,” I state, rather impressed.
“I told you, I got tricks.”
I want to run with that statement. Instead I try to get her to show me how she does the knot thing, but I can’t and after three tries I give up. She never tells me what she wants me to do in return and only a little while later, Ella is telling everyone we need to get on the buses and get to the hotel. Cassie and I get on, along with the others and I can’t help but feel the chill radiating off Ella. My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I lean up to remove it.
CA: I think Mom is mad.
I smile as I type, not looking at Cassie beside me.
JR: Ya think?
CA: Totally, you think she’s mad at us? BTW, I like watching you smile as you read my text.
I flick my eyes up to hers and she has a smile on her face too.
JR: Would you like to see what else I do when I read your text?
I look over at Ella, she’s sitting beside me, looking out the front windshield and my phone vibrates again.
CA: Yes.
My eyes slide over to hers again, her cheeks are flushed and I know it’s not from the alcohol.
JR: Your face flushing is exactly what I imagine happening when I finally touch between your legs.
“We’re here,” Ella says and for whatever reason, I can’t look at Cassie.
I stand and exit the bus, the luggage is being pulled out from the storage hold, and I grab my bags as Ella tells me what room I’m in and hands me a key. I don’t outwardly help her but I make sure Cassie has her bag before I set off into the hotel. I just need to get to my room. I need to get to my room, shut off my phone and sleep. I’ve definitely, one hundred percent crossed the line. She could sue me for sexual harassment. She could sell this story, my texts, report my behavior and make me a fucking laughing stock. Yes, I like Cassie, a lot. But I’m also not sure if she could get in trouble with this, what we’re doing. It’s beyond flirting. Ella could fucking call Cassie’s boss and have her taken off the job. This is the shit that spews through my head the entire elevator trip to my room, as I open the door, as I toss my bag into the closet and sit on the bed. I press my palms into my eyes and let out an aggravated growl. A moment later, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out.
CA: You ran off, you okay?
JR: Yeah, can I ask you something?
My heart pounds as I wait for her reply.
CA: Sure.
JR: If I ever cross the line, or make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. It’s like I can’t restrain myself when we talk. You’re so disarming, and at times I forget what we’re really doing and why, why you’re here. I know you’ve been hired and I don’t want to be making you feel some kind of way, like you have to talk to me or hang out with me. Just…please tell me if you ever feel I’ve gone too far.
There, I said it. I realized at the end of my relationship with Brooke, that it was all a status thing for her. To be able to say she was with a Congressman. The doors it opened up for her, the perks she received. A small, fraction of a piece of me feels the only reason Cassie is indulging me is because she’s hired by me, and nothing more. I wait as the three dots move, then stop, then move.
CA: There are three things you need to know about me. One, I don’t like liars, never have and refuse to tolerate people in my life who commit that behavior. In turn, I never lie. Two, I have very little filter. I think that’s fairly self-explanatory. More so with business, I say it like it is. But I also agree that there’s something about you that has what little I do have disappearing and I find myself saying my inner most thoughts. Three, respect. I really am very impressed that you just told me all that there. I respect that you would have the decency and manhood it took to say those things. I’ll have to thank your parents for raising you right. But there was another message I wanted to write in reply to your last text on the bus…
I swallow thickly, scrolling up to see what my last text even was.
JR: Your face flushing is exactly what I imagine happening when I finally touch between your legs.
Ah, yes. I begin to move my fingers, but stop when I see her dots dancing.
CA: I imagine I will blush when you touch me there.
I let out a long breath of air, feeling my cock throb with the thought.
CA: Now, I want to make you blush.
A picture message pops up under her words. It’s a selfie of her in the bathroom, the tub just behind her. Arm outstretched as she takes the pic, her other arm draped across her tits, her hand full and overflowing with the weight of one. I widen my eyes, taking in her naked torso, her face out of shot, but see her thin waist and strands of hair hanging down, teasing her naked shoulders. Instantly, my hand is in my jeans, pulling my cock out and stroking as I look at her image. I wonder if I should take a photo of this to send her, but then realize I’d have to turn on a light and the flash would make my dick look angry. Do chicks like angry dick? My own shoulders jerk as I imagine my hands grabbing her tits, wondering like earlier, if she likes it hard or soft. I inhale as I imagine fucking her from behind in the bathroom, her tits swaying in front of the mirror with my fingers curled around her shoulders as I fuck her. Hot cum begins to spurt out of my cockhead and onto the carpet, my chest heaving as my balls release.
CA: Night night. *wink face emoji*
Chapter 7
Jake keeps surprising me. His honesty and integrity are refreshing, and it adds yet another couple of points to the list of things about him that are making it hard for me to be unaffected.
I surprise myself being around Jake too. I know I’m still a little buzzed from earlier, but what the hell got into me sending a United States Congressman a naked selfie? Sure, all the happy-fun-parts were covered or out of the frame, but still I flush from head to toe when I think about what I’d just sent. Oh well, there’s nothing to be done for it now, so I’ll do what I always do when I’ve done dumb shit – I’ll own it. Picking up my phone to send him one final text, I type:
CA: Night night.
Figuring I might as well show him that I’m owing my choice, I add a wink face emoji and press send. Mini freak-out over, I get the giggles as I get ready for bed. In all reality, the picture I sent to Jake was probably tame compared to some of the pictures other politicians get sent or in some cases, send themselves. One unfortunately named politician in particular springs to mind.
My libido whispers to me that Jake is most likely jacking off looking at that image, but it’s probably wishful thinking coupled with my over active imagination. Also, given he hasn’t replied, I’m wondering if ma
ybe I’ve now crossed a line for him. This back and forth we have is giving me emotional whiplash, not to mention a wicked case of blue-pussy. He’ll guide me by his behavior tomorrow; we seem to be very good at keeping our increasing text-flirtation to ourselves, but he’ll find a way to let me know if what I did was uncool.
Pulling back the bedspread using just two fingers, I drag it off the mattress completely and leave it on the floor. I mean do you know what happens on bedspreads and carpets in hotels? Eew!
Collecting all the pillows, I make a pile on my side of the bed and climb in, sitting with my back resting against them and the headboard. I send a few emails, one updating Sawyer on the trip so far, and replying to others. I DM the girls in our group message thread, but seeing that none of them are currently active, I’m not expecting a reply. Putting my phone down, I let my mind wander back over our day, about the delicious food followed by me showing Jake my cherry trick. I can still see in my mind the way he watched my mouth and jaw as I worked the stem, then I remember his own as he tried the trick for himself. He’s so damn sexy.
When my message alert sounds my stomach flips with anticipation, and while it would be great to hear back from one of the girls, my racing pulse tells me I’m hoping it’s not.
Opening the message, I see Jake’s smile. That’s it. There’s nothing else of his face, just his lips framed by dark stubble and his white teeth in a wide smile. I guess he liked my picture and I didn’t cross a line with him after all.
Jake has a small, sexy as fuck gap between his front two teeth, and the more I look at the picture of his smile, the longer I wonder…would my clit fit in that gap when he sucks it into his mouth?