Act of Congress Page 8
Had I looked behind me at any point during my escape, I would have seen a pair of stormy blue-grey eyes following my every move.
* * *
Checking out of the hotel, I make my way over the to the buses where I spot Ella and head her way.
“Good morning,” I say with a bright smile.
“Good morning Cassie.”
“I’ve decided I’m going to ride on the other bus today, maybe tomorrow too. I think at this point in the trip, I’d like to get a feel for where the reporters are. Other than the daily pieces, which have all been positive, I’ve got no idea what bigger picture they’re painting. I see Congressman Reid isn’t down yet and I didn’t get a chance to mention it to him yesterday, so would you please let him know?”
“Sure, no problem. I’ll let him know Cassie. I actually think it’s a good idea. Other than getting media insight, it’ll also give you some time away from all the congressional stuff Jake needs to catch up with between stops. He’s gotten a little behind, but I’ll be able to get him back on track now.”
Ella’s smiling back at me and it’s the brightest smile she’s had in days. Figures, I knew she’d be happy I was switching buses.
“Ok, well, see you at the first stop. If you have any questions about the day’s appearances, just give me a call.”
With that, I walk over to the second bus and climb on board, settling into a seat near a window. During my workout this morning I’d used the time to make a plan that would steer us back onto solid professional ground. One that would rebuild the boundaries we’d spectacularly fucked our way across. Time apart from each other between stops starts that process, and also means I have a better chance of getting my head on straight. I’m not ashamed of sleeping with Jake, hell no. I would shout that shit from the rooftops - if only he wasn’t a client, and we could keep things casual. Jake is a good guy; I doubt he’s done casual in his life. He didn’t say as much, but my guess is Brooke was either a high school or college sweetheart. Also, given the way he’d genuinely tried to get to know me on an emotional level after he’d gotten to know me on a physical one, I’m more than aware that Jake Reid is built for a relationship. He deserves someone who wants that too.
I’m taking full responsibility for the transgression, which includes me fessing up and telling Sawyer that it’d happened. Hopefully then, Jake and I can focus only on the job of improving his congressional profile, and leave our own personal act of congress behind us.
I look out the window and see Jake striding across the parking lot, his long legs and muscular frame eating up the distance. He stops in front of Ella and I can see her talking to him, her hand motioning towards the bus I’m now sitting on. Jake turns his head to look in my direction so fast, I’m not sure I turned away in time - but I tell myself I did. I also tell myself I didn’t see the look that crossed his face, or that it had looked liked hurt followed by pissed.
Then why is your stomach in a knot Cassie?
Taking a big deep breath, it’s time to call my boss. I’m sure I’m not the only ESM employee to have fallen genitals first onto a client, but given I’ve not heard of one who has, I don’t know what the protocol is. Maybe I’ve not heard because they’re no longer around to tell the story?
The moment Drew connects me to Sawyer I start giving her the facts. Straight up, I tell her everything I think she needs to know. Owning everything I’ve done that has lead to this point, I’m leaving the ball in her court as to what happens next.
“Cassie, stop. Just breathe. No, it’s not ideal, but you’ve also not technically broken any rules,” Sawyer says in my ear, ever the voice of reason. “You’re both single, it happened with consent, and you were discreet about it. Just get the job done Cass, and that’s all I really need to know. That said, fair warning. If I see you and Jake Reid captured in a indelicate position on any news or social media formats, I’ll be telling people that it’s all part of ESM’s strategy to sex-up the Congressman’s image.”
Having started to feel a little better that Sawyer has been so understanding, I giggle a little at that warning. Honestly, I’m not sure that there is anything the woman couldn’t spin.
“I understand, and thank you. There’s no need to worry though, like I said earlier, it was a one-time thing. It won’t happen again,” I reaffirm, getting ready to hang up.
“Mmhmm. I heard you. Cassie…what does Jake have to say about that?”
With that, my boss, my mentor and the woman I respect most in the world hangs up on me.
She really is too clever for her own good.
Laying my phone in my lap, I look down to see one of the message alerts that have come through while I was talking with Sawyer is from Jake.
Ignoring the way my stomach flips, I open his message.
JR: You’ve got three days Cassie. Three days to focus on doing just the job and I’ll focus on doing mine. Until then, tell yourself whatever you want to about the personal stuff, but this is not over. Not by a long shot.
I feel my heart skip, it’s beat interrupted before it starts again at a much more frantic pace. With shaking fingers, I take forever to reply. Between auto correct and my jitters, my response is a jumbled mess and takes several attempts to correct before I can hit send.
CA: I’m sorry Jake. I behaved unprofessionally. It won’t happen again. I’ve called Sawyer, and she is aware of my transgression.
Immediately, I get back his reply.
JR: Three days Cassie. Oh, and I called Sawyer too.
Chapter 10
True to his word, Jake has been the epitome of professionalism. All of the events have gone smoothly and we are not only getting great local press, but some of the larger media outlets are picking up the on-board media’s stories as lighter filler pieces in their news bulletins. The congressman’s Instagram and Twitter accounts have experienced an influx of new followers, and the posts going up are witty, fun and relevant. The Facebook live chat had gone over so well, I’m thinking of scheduling another one once we’ve arrived in Montana.
On a professional level, everything was going great. Just like I’d hoped. On a personal level however, things were far from great. Outwardly, I was my usual cool, calm and collected; underneath, I was a complete fucking mess. I wasn’t sleeping, and while that was nothing new, it had never been like this. Even the few hours I normally managed were eluding me. I barely ate, which tells you exactly how messed up I was, but worst of all, I could not get my body to stop reacting to, or pining for Jake. His scent, his touch, and his laugh, these memories found their way into my every thought. During the day, I couldn’t stop my eyes from devouring him at any opportunity. My body was strung out, and despite some lack-luster attempts to sate my need, my libido has refused to take its release. Not by hand, by finger or showerhead. My body was holding out on me, like it knew what it could be having and was staging a protest until it got it.
In less than a week and one spectacularly hot night together, Jake Reid had done the unthinkable. He’d broken me.
It’s lunchtime on Wednesday, and we’re eating at one of those diners you know still exist out there, but are getting harder and harder to find. The Cactus Patch is quaint, small-town kitsch, but also spotlessly clean and well maintained. Best of all, the food is to die for…for those with an appetite anyway. Like most dishes on a menu full of comfort-food favorites, all the baked goods are made fresh every morning. From scratch - no premade pie bases or fillings from cans anywhere in sight. I should’ve been in Heaven.
I’m sitting with a group of sixty-something local women, and they’re entertaining me with tales of their youth, while I nibble disinterestedly at the best cherry pie I’ve ever eaten. The women are funny, sassy and a living, breathing ‘squad-goals’ meme, the senior citizen version. Hanging with them made me wonder if this would be what my girls and me would be like, decades from now, should our friendship survive the long test of time. I’ve just lifted a forkful of pie to my mouth, the tines
resting on my bottom lip as my tongue licks at the sweet syrupy filling, before I open wider and close my lips, ready to pull the fork away leaving the morsel behind.
Sensing movement next to me, I turn at the same time Delores leans in and semi-whispers close to my ear.
“You know sweetie, that fine example of the good Lord’s best work looks fit to be tied each time you put that fork in your mouth. Now, I’m not one to be getting into the private business of other folks, unless invited…but if you don’t wish to be dragged out of here, caveman style…I’m thinking you’d best be taking that there pie slice you’re playing with, to go.”
Blushing at Dolores’s assessment of a situation I’d for once not been aware of, I slowly remove my fork from my mouth, setting it gently back on my plate, and put both my hands in my lap. All the women at the table chuckle, and my blush deepens. Chewing so slowly it could be barely considered movement, my eyes lift up only to be instantly trapped by Jake’s. They’re dark, intense and most obviously, out of patience.
“Told you,” Delores says with a wink, and all the women at the table giggle behind menus or their hands.
* * *
I’m sitting on the sofa in the green room at a local television station while Jake is taping a segment to be aired after we will have moved on. It’s for a regional agriculture program on the diversification of farming for future generations. It’s a topic that he’s passionate about, and one I know he’s started to keep his views on close to his chest after so much disinterest on Capitol Hill. Ella has sent most all others back to the buses, knowing as soon as Jake’s finished we’re headed to the hotel. Ella is in the greenroom also, sitting on a single chair to the side of the sofa, neither of us talking, both looking down at our phones. Had we been watching the screen on the wall transmitting the live feed from the studio, we would have seen Jake had finished the interview.
Jake speaking has both our heads snapping up and looking towards where he’s standing, just inside the door. “Please go ahead and move the buses out, and get everyone settled into the hotel. I have a meeting with Cassie and the studio has allowed me the use of this room.”
“You don’t need me in the meeting? I can send the buses away and come back in?”
Jakes eyes have not shifted from mine, and they’re almost burning holes into the back of my head.
“No. I don’t,” he states, his tone this whole time has been crisp and firm as though he’s consciously making himself sound courteous. “Cassie and I will catch a cab back to the hotel.”
Ella gives me a look that is either envy or empathy, and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
Taking two steps back, but not turning around, Jake reaches behind him and locks the door, the snick of it ominous in the otherwise silent room.
Walking purposely toward me, just his presence and demeanor make me stand up, but when he speaks, my weak knees make me wish I had remained seated.
“Time’s up Cassandra. You and that sexy body of yours are mine.”
“Jake…please…this can’t happen again.” I’m saying the words but they sound feeble even to my own ears.
“Can and will,” Jake states as he grabs me by my ass and lifts me as though I weigh nothing at all. My body lights up instantly, my nipples all but tearing through the lace cups of my demi bra to get closer to him. The skirt of the bright summer dress I am wearing bunches under his strong grip, its full flowing fabric allowing my legs to wrap around him automatically, like they’re happy to be home.
Jake’s lips are nipping at my neck and collarbone, his stubble scratching deliciously against my sensitive skin, making a deep tendril of lust snake it’s way into my sex, making me ache with want. Between kisses and licks, he’s mumbling words I can’t quite make out, but I sense he feels freed by saying them. The sensation of his big hands flexing and squeezing the globes of my ass has my hips instinctively grinding against him, pushing backward into his hands. The reward of the forward swivel of my hips is having his hard cock press where I need it most, my clit so swollen from days of stimulation with no release making it a satisfying kind of painful pleasure.
“Damn it, Cassie. I can smell you…so sweet, so fucking sexy. Are you wet for me? Is that what I do to you?” Jake asks, voice husky having torn his mouth from its ownership of mine, one hand moving from my ass to hold my chin with his thumb and forefinger.
“You know you do Jake,” I reply softly. “But this isn’t smar––”
My confession heard, my following protest clearly not welcome, he crashes his lips back over mine, the kiss turning messy and noisy and utterly perfect. Neither of us caring about breathing, I’m drowning in Jake’s possession. It’s like he’s trying to reacquaint himself with something he’s been missing. My pussy clenches, flooding with the evidence of my desire and my sex becomes slick in readiness for more. Walking me over to the table in the corner, Jake lays me down, following with his own body, lips still on mine; he’s folded over me as my back meets the wooden surface.
Speaking between nuzzles across my face, neck and the top of my breasts, he says, “I need your taste in my mouth, covering my tongue. I need to see you writhe beneath me, to hear your voice in my ear from above me. Jesus, Cassie, I have to fuck you. I need to fuck you.”
“Jake…” I say trailing off, again aiming to be the voice of reason, but I think at this point we both know that I’m barely putting up a fight.
“All I can think about is how you sounded when I fucked you, how beautiful you looked taking my dick. I can’t be the only one feeling this agony. God, hasn’t it been torture for you?”
“It’s been miserable, yes, but Jake we…” If the look on his face didn’t dry up my weak objection, his words would have.
“No, enough. Please, Cassie. You’ve had your space. Nothing has changed. Let it be done now. ”
Grabbing fistfuls of material from the skirt of my dress, he bunches it as he lifts it up my body and shoves a few sections under the bottom of my bra. Effectively holding it out of his way and exposing the bottom third of my form, he’s also now got both hands free to explore. Running his flat palms back down my skin, I shiver in anticipation, whimpering when his thick fingers curl into the thin lace string at my hips, and with a hard pull he rips the tiny triangle that was my underwear from my body.
The feel of the cool air hitting my exposed and heated flesh makes me wiggle, and in trying to relieve the pressure in the tightly drawn buds of my nipples, I eagerly pull most of their swell out of my bra, wasting no time rolling them between my thumb and forefinger.
Hissing at the sensation, I watch as Jake puts my destroyed panties in his jacket pocket, smiling at me while he does. Sinking to his knees, he places my feet wide and flat on the top of the table, dragging my ass right to the edge impatiently.
“Jake!” It’s almost a squeal from me as he uses his thumbs to roughly open my soaked folds, and spears his tongue right into my core. His head bobs along with the movement of his tongue, causing his nose to bump against the underside of my clit and I’m sure I must be soaking his face with my cream.
Jake starts to moan and then hum, my hands lifting from my breasts to fist into his hair in response. The vibrations are sending tingles through me, zinging from my clit to my nipples and back again. The pleasure is so intense it’s almost too much, yet still I lift my hips, grinding up into his magical mouth. Changing up his rhythm right at the point I don’t think I can take any more, he flattens his tongue wide and sweeps it right along my sex. Biting softly, he then suctions my clit into his mouth, sucking hard, and at that, I do squeal. Coming so hard my entire body is shaking, I’m now using my hands in his hair to try to push him away, my thighs attempting to close against Jake’s head. It’s the definition of intense, my clit so abused at this point my sensitivity is next level.
“Easy Cass, easy. I’ve got you,” Jake murmurs softly. His hands petting along my skin where they hold my hips, before he goes back to g
iving me light kisses and tiny flicks. I’m floating as he brings me down gently, right up until the tip of his tongue licks down, across my puckered hole.
“Mmm, I’m gonna fuck it Cassie. Not today, but it’s mine.”
Jesus, this guy.
I’m sure he feels my pussy clench at his filthy declaration because he’s almost growling now, while I’m near mindless with pleasure as he eats my ass. I’ve played a little there, but I’ve never taken anything longer than a finger or wider than a thumb, and I’ve mostly done that myself. While I’ve always wanted to try anal, I’ve never trusted a lover enough to take me that way. There’s just something too intimate about it, but the thought of Jake fucking me there…God yes. Regardless of barely being down from my previous orgasm, my need is rising rapidly, my body demanding more.
“Jake, I need you inside me. I need to come again. Please…it’s been days. Make me come with your cock, Jake. I need your cock.”
Begging shamelessly and not caring, it’s apparent that whatever I’d thought putting distance between us would achieve, it’s failed miserably. Jake’s mouth leaves my sex as he stands, leaning over me again, and taking my own. The whole bottom half of his face is covered in my cum, sweet and musky, it’s making his skin shiny and the heady smell fills the room. I moan into his mouth, loving the taste of Jake and I mixed together.
I hear the clink of his belt and the metallic slide of his zipper right before I feel the hot, blunt head of his cock nudge against my swollen sex. Rising on my elbows, I look down my body and see Jake’s griping it tight, his fist around the wide base, as he pumps slowly upwards. Stopping midway, he shifts slightly and begins running his bare cock through my folds. Both of us make feral sounds at that first contact, our breathing shallow and fast. My sex is flushed pink and open, and I love the contrast of how I look against Jake’s large, flushed head. Just watching as he sweeps himself up and down along my folds has me writhing and moaning so loud, you’d be forgiven for thinking I was being tortured.